HMC Tax Blog

Vaccinated? Claim Tax Credits for Your Employees and Yourself
As the nation suffers from the ravages of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant, the federal government desperately wants all American workers and their families

Loophole: Harvest Tax Losses on Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency
Here’s something to know about cryptocurrencies. Because cryptocurrencies are classified as “property” rather than as securities, the wash-sale rule does not apply if you sell

Is Your Travel Day Personal or a Tax-Deductible Business Day?
When you travel to a business location where you spend the night, you are in travel status. But will the tax rules make this a

Benefit Big from the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit rewards your good deeds. And now, because of new legislation, the rules are in place for longer than usual. If

Self-Employed During the Pandemic? Lawmakers Did Not Forget You
Usually, in times of economic dislocation such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the self-employed get no special government help. For example, you generally do not receive

PPP Extended—Act Fast or Miss Out
This is likely it—your last chance to obtain first- and second-draw Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) monies. A new law, the PPP Extension Act of 2021,